Healing land or adventurous land

Up to you


Spend an active stay in the middle of the forest! The multifunctional sports field can be rented for
basketball, football and tennis. The reservation of the sport field can be done at the hotel’s reception where our guests also receive adequate equipment.


Do you want some indoor activity? Come with your friends to a game of billiards or table tennis. Ask for the necessary equipment at the hotel reception.


Learn to aim! Shoot the arrow! The archery used on the battlefield or on the hunt a few centuries ago, has become a relatively recent an Olympic sport. Archery appeals to people's competitive spirit.


Try the rope climbing on our climbing wall. Our colleagues will help you climb safely and choose the right route.


The area of Balvanyos Resort is full with beautiful hiking trails which leads to various mineral water springs, mofettes and peat bogs. These hiking trails with various difficulty are suitable for all kind of people with different experiences and skills. Our guests can request a tour guide at the reception or at the concierge.

Short routes: Balvanyos Resort – The Sulfurous Cave– Balvanyos Resort (1 hour, marked with blue point, moderate level) ; Balvanyos Resort – The Apor Daugthers’ Baths – Healing Springs– Balvanyos Resort (40 minutes, marked with red triangle, easy level)

Long routes:  Balvanyos Resort – The Sulfurous Cave – Cave with alum – Balvanyos Resort (1 hour 30 minutes, marked with blue point, moderate level); Balvanyos Resort – Murderous Cave – The bird cemetery – Buffogó peat bog – The Sulfurous Cave – Balvanyos Resort (3 hour, marked with blue point, moderate level); Balvanyos Resort – Ruins of Balvanyos Fortress – Balvanyos Resort (3 hour, marked with blue point, moderate level) – starts from Baile Balvanyos;

Bicycles tours on Bikkla electric bikes

Do you want to explore the Balvanyos and the Saint Anne Lake area on 2 wheels? The BIKKLA electric bicycles are at your disposal! You can choose from different routes or you can try them all. Our bicycles rent you can find opposite to GastroLab Balvanyos restaurant!

Details about the routes:

Route 1 – Mineral Water’s Trail – 50 de minute, 14 km – 100RON

Route 2 –  Saint Anne’s Lake – 100 de minute, 23 km –  150RON

Route 3 – Gorgan Valley – 110 de minute, 23 km – 160RON

Route 4 – Panorama Saint Anne – 130 de minute, 21 km – 160RON



Enjoy the wildlife of the area, observe the wild animals in their natural habitat, from a safe and high-quality bear observatory.

Bence Máté, one of the most famous wildlife photographers in the world, selected the most suitable location for photographing and observing bears from hundreds of surveyed areas. You can approach the bear observatory by car on the road  to Bixad (DN 11 C), then you will arrive at the destination after a 300 m walk together with the administrator.

The program starts every day around sunset, based on previous registration at the hotel reception: http://medveles.hu/en/


Visiting the mini farm at Balvanyos Resort is just as much fun for the adults as it is for the children. Ponies let you caress them and in a few seconds they find a special place in your heart.


If you like the exciting programs, don’t miss our off road tours on nearby mountain routes.
The well echiped off road cars are driven by experienced drivers and you can safely explore the area with them. The program starts upon previous registration.

Trips with electric cars

Balvanyos Resort – Apor Mineral Water bath

Tarif 60 lei/person – max. 3 pers (+ driver), 1 hour

Băile Balvanyos – Băile Csiszár  Mineral Water bath

Tarif 110 lei/car – max. 3 pers (+ driver), 2 hours

Balvanyos Resort – Panoramic View Bixad – Saint Ana Lake

Tarif 140 lei/car– max. 3 pers (+ driver), 2.5 hours

Boat riding on the Lake Saint Anne and champagne

We recommend an exclusive program, available just in the summer. Visit the Mohoș Peat Bog nature reserve and take a boat riding with electric boat on the Saint Ane lake while you make a toast with a glass of champagne with your friends.

This program it takes 3 hours, and it is organized according to prior reservation.

For more organized programs we recommend you to consult our complete list: ENTERTAINMENT&ACTIVITIES